Saturday, October 24, 2009

Who would you invite for Thanksgiving at your house, Sarah Palin or Barack Obama?

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Who would you invite for Thanksgiving at your house, Sarah Palin or Barack Obama?
I would invite Palin, and the rest of her family as well, there is no way that Obama would ever enter my house under any conditions. I only let people into my residence that I like, and personally I don't like Obama and never will. Why would I want the strain and and aggravation of having to explain everything that I am talking about.

The Palin family would make the day entertaining and you could hold an intelligent conversation with the family and not have to explain everything that you are saying.

Plus, I have enough black Suburbans at my residence.
Reply:Bush since I'm a Vet and he has earned my respect. If not, Palin since she has a son serving in Iraq right now.

Liberals and Socialist such as Obama are not welcome in my house.

Nice too see liberals are still scared of Sarah Palin even after being slimmed by the bias media and a month after the election
Reply:B Hussein so that my friends, family, and I could tell him exactly what we think about him. We would drill him till he broke down and told the TRUTH. Something he's never known how to do.

But at the same time I wouldn't want to ruin everyone's Thanksgiving inviting a criminal into my home. Michelle definitely couldn't come. One glimpse at her thighs and you know there wouldn't be enough turkey to go around.
Reply:Sarah Palin! I am sure she would bring a nice fresh turkey that would taste extremely yummy. I wouldn't allow Obama in my house.

Edit- To all of the people who said Obama because they want decent converstion: I would never allow a teleprompter at the diner table.
Reply:palin. she would probably bring a turkey she shot herself.

obama would be entertaining, though. i could show him the fallout shelter i built myself on account of his military strategy.
Reply:Either one would be spooky, but look at this on Obama:
Reply:I would invite both families. I think it would be surprisingly fun. Or at the very least interesting. I bet the kids would all get on extremely well if the parents stayed out of it.
Reply:Palin. I wouldn't be averse to having Obama and his folks over either, but if I had to choose between the two, Palin would be my first choice.
Reply:Sarah. I don't have enough money or time to go buy everything AGAIN after Obama pounces on the photo op and redistributes my dinner to everyone else.
Reply:Sarah Palin, If OBAMA came he would probably redistribute all the leftovers and I would not get any.
Reply:Definitely Sarah Palin. She is an idol of mine and it would be an honor to have her over for Thanksgiving dinner!
Reply:Sarah Palin, of course. I wouldn't let Obama anywhere near my home, even if he agreed to cook the damn turkey.
Reply:Sarah. Definitely NOT Obama. One turkey at the table is enough.
Reply:Obama. I have no respect for Sarah and her brutal treatment of animals.
Reply:Neither. Family only.
Reply:Obama. I prefer intelligent conversation.

But then Palin could bring that turkey that guy was butchering behind her. LOL
Reply:Sarah and her family.
Reply:If I allowed one of them, I would allow the other. The only invited guest would be Ralph Nader. He's the only straight-talker in all this financial mess.

Palin could sit at the table and eat but she would have to keep her mouth shut about politics.

Obama could sit at the table and eat but he would have to promise not to tell any lies. That would probably shut him up about politics too.
Reply:Obama. And his lovely family of course. I like more even tempered holidays and Sarah Palin is too folksy for me. I would barf in the dressing at about the third you betcha.
Reply:Well if I want an intellectual thanksgiving dinner conversation Obama. But if I'm feeling Jerry Springer for some reason Palin and her pregnant out of wedlock kid and down syndrome baby. Ewh yea, I went there.
Reply:Thanksgiving is a corny holiday so I would want a corny person like Sarah there.

But who would I rather throw back some beers with? Obama. No questions asked.
Reply:well depends, if i invited barack id have to bring fried chicken AND turkey! but if i brought palin she wouldnt understand half the discussions going on around her...
Reply:How dumb, neither, cannot stand a lying politician.

Not you either we prefer intelligent conversations at our house.
Reply:Given how thankful I am that Governor Palin is not a heartbeat away from the Oval Office I would go with President Obama.
Reply:Obama. It would mean polite, intelligent conversation at the table.
Reply:The Obama family is welcome, Palin is not WELCOME.
Reply:Would the secret service know he was coming over? Yes?

Okay, then Palin I guess.

Reply:Barack Obama! He would at least allow for some intelligent conversations.

Palin would probably bring some moose side-dish.
first name

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