Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What would be on the menu for people you had to invite but didn't like, so they wouldn't visit again?

real food combinations
What would be on the menu for people you had to invite but didn't like, so they wouldn't visit again?
Spaghetti with chicken gizzards

Steak with scourched mash potatoes and scorched cabbage.

Fish with soggy french fries and watery coleslaw

Half-done baked chicken with plain noodles and peas.

and for dessert, Blueberry dumplings (without sugar).

and for beverages: prune juice and carrot juice
Reply:I agree with willa, but if I had to invite these people, dont serve a full meal. If you have other people coming invite them earlier for dinner, and serve a light dessert when they arrive. That way they'll cut out earlier than the other guests, to go eat, and you wont need to indulge their presence for very long. OOOps dont you hate when you forgot to call everyone with the changed plans for the evening party, or whatever the occasion.
Reply:to get back at people for inviting themselves, just tell them you've decided to make the party a pot luck. Or make food items that include an item from every major allergy group that way uninvited guests w. allergies can't eat (breaded shrimp fried in peanut oil), many guests are repulsed by ethnic foods that they are not used to... try your hand at some moroccan or hindu foods. Don't make the foods poorly because it will get back to people that you'd want a a dinner party, but do do something with a wow factor too intense for your guests. If you really want to gross them out I have some recipes (from a project) for Appalachian road kill (opposum, squirrel, and bear), you could tell them that its a "beverly hillbillies" themed party and prepare that. Well good luck, and next time, stick to VIP only.
Reply:Make them egg burgers, with plenty of Cayenne powder in the patty, and don't pierce the yolk so it runs all down the front of their shirt.

I have done the 2nd part of that intentionally because I was in a bad mood.

That poor soul hasn't criticised my cooking again.

Have a star for a happy memory.
Reply:strong curry - vindaloo

anything requiring lots of garlic and/or chile

remembering you have to eat it too

so go garlic in everything - garlic soup, chili con carne - garlic ice cream - you'll smell too but it may be worth it

(and both chilli and garlic are very good for you so you'll suffer but come out healthy).
Reply:i would never dumb down my food, or make it horrble. you could just make sure they had a bad time, or made the evening uncomfortable and awkward. at least when they don't want to come back, they'll still know you're an awesome cook.

best just not to invite them in the first place.
Reply:Foie gras, liver pates, american cheese slices, boxed wine, milk as beverage, saurkraut, any thing that would make regular people cringe.
Reply:Well, I guess I'm going to be the contrarian here. I'd make an excellent meal, then just not invite them back. They would remember, and miss, that for a long time.
Reply:squid ,sushi , octopus ,seaweed
Reply:Heres an idea! Dont invite them! Dont give them bad food instead dont have them over
Reply:Anchovies, anything with a lot of garlic and onions, and French blue goat cheese.
Reply:I wouldn't degrade myself by making a horrible meal.I'd make the best I could and have them feel bad that they never get invited back.
Reply:Tomato soup with a burnt grilled cheese sandwich!
Reply:Fried liver and... beets.
Reply:act normal but then be kinda wierd or what ever looks like you are not acting like you hate him. not to confusing?

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