Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have an invite to the Anglican Church to hear a speech on ..Can God Really be Known.

My question why would you go to a church if God could not be known ?
I have an invite to the Anglican Church to hear a speech on ..Can God Really be Known.
Where do you live? in the UK? The Anglicans are backsliding in the UK so I'd stay away from them entirely. They have been giving in to the Muslims lately.

The Muslims think God is unknowable.
Reply:If it was near me, and I had the time free, I might go to see what sort of case thay can make.

Paul's in Romans 1 is seriously crook, to employ an Australianism.

There's generally no need to be afraid of Anglicans, though many are unaware of what Anglicanism actually teaches in their core statement of belief, the 39 articles of religion.
Reply:well, because religions, in their extreme arrogance, tout their ability to show you how "God" can be known. oldest scam ever devised, used to manipulate and gain power by rattle shaking shamans since humans squatted by the tribal fires.
Reply:that's exactly why you go to church. because they convince you that God can't be known without them so they can tell you how and make you pay for something that's free and yours already anyway.
Reply:Without its believers a Deity could NOT exist!!!

Reply:They're inviting you to a great reveal...I think...He'll make a grand entrance at some point, wearing something glitzy, glam and fashionable to woe the audience
Reply:Anglicans are one of the more open denominations about honestly facing fundamental questions like this.

Reply:God is known through our beautiful surroundings!
Reply:Very open question that has been asked for thousands of years.Hope you find what you are looking for - God Bless :-)
Reply:It is a subtle question
Reply:The Savior YAHOSHUA can hardly be known by those Sun worshipers who choose to follow heathen practices.

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