Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you think it was right for notre dame to invite Obama anyway?

Noooo they should be ashamed.
Do you think it was right for notre dame to invite Obama anyway?
There are two issues at work here, freedom of speech and honoring immoral principles.

+ Freedom of Speech +

The University of Notre Dame has the freedom to invite and engage in serious debate with whomever it wishes. And, of course, President Obama is entitled to freedom of speech. What is debatable is whether a commencement speech is the proper place for this debate.

In addition, everyone else in the country is entitled to freedom of speech, including those who disagree with the President's opinions and actions in many areas.

+ Honoring Immoral Principals +

In 2004, the U.S. Bishops requested that Catholic institutions “should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles” and that such persons “should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.”

Notre Dame is planning to award the President an honorary degree in defiance of this request and by doing so is giving the impression of honoring and supporting the president's immoral principles and actions.

How would you like if you were a Catholic parent who taught your child what was right and wrong, scrimped, saved and sacrificed to send your child through 8 years of Catholic elementary school, 4 years of Catholic high school, and 4 years of Catholic university, and then, after paying the University over $120,000 to educate your child and at your child's graduation ceremony, the Catholic University slaps the faces of your child, you, and all Catholics by giving an high honor to a person who stands against much of what Catholics believe?

Mary Ann Glendon, Harvard Law professor and U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See has announced that she will not accept the highest honor conferred by the University of Notre Dame, the Laetare Medal, at this year's commencement exercises.

It is rather interesting that the University of Notre Dame (Our Lady) is named after the Blessed Virgin Mary who, while unmarried (but engaged), pregnant, and in danger of being stoned to death for adultery, decided to keep her child.

With love in Christ.
Reply:no. In the past different Bishops has said that Priest's who have parrishoners that openly support abortion should not be allowed to have communion. They also suggested that elected officials who vote to support abortion should also be denied communion.

So for the "premiere" Catholic school to invite someone who has so ververently supported the continuation of abortion is an absolutely hypo-critical move. they should be ashamed, but I'm sure they'll be repayed by the government in some way. Perhaps, in leau of the BCS, Norte Dame will get an automatic bid to the NCAA Championship game. (After all, Congress and Barry seem to have so much free time to discuss how to fix this problem.)
Reply:As I recall the Archdiocese was either against President Obama being honorary awarded or indifferent about President Obama being honorary awarded. What they didn't know by allowing him to speak about his Pro-Choice beliefs contradicted the Church's Dogma. I'm waiting to see what will the Vatican do next. Allow Catholics to have a wedge driven between them or to take a stance condemning abortions.

The Archdiocese can discommunicate Notre Dame from the Catholic Charter if they decide to.
Reply:No way and I find the "invitation" suspect. I know that many Catholics are Democrats, but abortion is a very touchy subject and Obama's invitation should have included a request to avoid the topic altogether. OR, he could have simply said, "I respect the rights of Americans to hold their own private views on this controversial subject" and left it at that.
Reply:He is the President, why not invite him. Him bringing up abortion when he is extremely pro-choice (pro-abortion) and has signed a bill for partial birth abortion. That was extremely hypocritical of him.
Reply:If Catholics are are against abortion, I'd say NO. Isn't Notre Dame a Catholic school? Go figure........

Apperently, no other school wanted Obama to speak! This was the only school besides Berkley that would be even close enough to his beliefs!
Reply:No, they are supposed to be a Catholic institution. They shouldn't invite someone whose core beliefs go against their religion. Obama should've probably declined as well knowing it would've turned into this. I don't know what either side was thinking.
Reply:I honestly dont give a crap anymore. I am against abortion, unlike most democrats. But a university is going to invite whoever they want to invite for a speaker.
Reply:No, Obama espouses views that contradict the Catholic church. You will notice that he did not get a warm welcome. Oh yeah, let's stifle free speech, at a university. Oh, yeah, that makes sense, doesn't it.
Reply:No. Obama holds views that strongly contradict Catholic views.

I am disappointed in Notre Dame (we have a ND family member).
Reply:Sure, as long as the Pro choice movement returns the favor and lets the Pope be a featured speaker at an upcoming NARAL meeting.
Reply:They are a private college. They can invite anyone they want. Do I oppose Obama being invited? Yes.
Reply:They should not have invited him ,but once they did they were right in holding to it.
Reply:What does it matter. Dissidents will voice their opinion on any campus.
Reply:well i dont know if it was "right" but i mean it definitely wasn't wrong
Reply:Nope. They had "standards" and they betrayed them.

Reply:No, it was a big disgrace.
Reply:Did he bring his little hat and music box?
Reply:yes, so screw all of you, who think different. it just shows how much growing up all of you need to do.
Reply:It doesn't matter.
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