People invite friends to bars, and others to parties, what's wrong with inviting friends and family to church? I am not interested in hanging out in bars, I don't go to many parties outside of friendly gatherings. I enjoy church, so I invite friends to church.
People invite people to things they enjoy. They hope that their friend will enjoy the activity too. I don't get offended when someone asks me to go out to the bar. I just say no, I don't like the smokey atmosphere.
The only reason I can think of for being offended by an offer is that the person has a problem with religion. For example, they used to attend a church and left because of people or people failing to live up to the Christian beliefs.
I do not put my faith in people, I put it in God. Therefore, no church can let you down. You can be blessed in any church. You just need to keep attending different ones until you find the one that is right for you.
God Bless you and keep you!
Why do people get offended when people invite others to their church?
It could be because religous folks seem a bit weird and not be trusted. Religion is inherently sinister, even the most apparently benign warm-and-fuzzy English churches. There's something deeply worrying about people who believe, promote and get together to share superstitious nonsense - It's a concept that seems to be the ideal breeding ground for abuse (child-molesting priests), extremism ('god hates fags' etc.), contempt for human life (islamic terrorists) and self-destruction (mass suicides), amongst other things.
No doubt many religious people are wonderful, warm, kind human beings, but religion has an almost unlimited potential to corrupt and deprave - You can see every day in the news that there's absolutely no limit to what a person can end up doing as a result of fervently held religious convictions. I'm reminded of that saying... something along the lines of "good men will do good, and evil men will do evil, but for good men to do evil, that takes religion".
I think that's why.
Reply:MAny people think that you have a holier than now image and that you are saying that they do not go to church enough.
Reply:If I invite you to a bar I am not requiring you to take a stand. Religion is a deeply personal thing. Hanging out is casual, going to church is not. Beliefs vary wildly and unless the person you are inviting is the same religion they may feel you are taking a dump on their faith. Fact is, it does matter what church you belong to because each has it's own arrangement of ideals and beliefs. And it's not social like a bar or restaurant because the interaction is focused on religion in a church where in a public setting you can talk about anything. Most bars ban smoking now, and you don't have to drink alcohol. Relax and just have fun sometimes.
Reply:if you are happy with your chuch god bless you but I have my own church and I dont need you bringing it in my face. and for the guy who said you are a loser he is just an idiot
Reply:Well, while it's true that we don't go to church because of the people, but because of God. But the people make up the church, they are the body of Christ. However, there are false churches that teach false doctrines, wisdom of men and pervert the right way of God. Therefore, one should look for the TRUE of CHRIST, not some church they feel comfortable with. We need to conform to God's teachings and standards, not try to suit His commandments to our own and make up our own churches. For that reason, the church had to be restored to the earth, Today the only true church upon the face of the earth is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Tell your friend to go to that church
Reply:I think what your doing is really good , because alot of people don't like to talk about religion like myself. I have alot of people invite me to church and I don't get offended I guess it just depends on the person.
Reply:Well, Bars and Parties are social events, you go to them to talk and enjoy each other's company, Church on the other hand is a spirtual experience, when you invite these poeple to the church you expect them to listen to the sermon, right? Not chat to you the whole time, which is presumably what the whole point of spending time with them is.
Why not go out to cafes or restaurants for Lunch? You could have a barbeque in your garden, go out for a picnic, there are all sorts of sociable things you could do with your friends which don't involve smokey bars or alcohol.
Reply:Some have an arrogance that they are better because of their beliefs and pass judgement because of them. This is wrong but it is human.
Good Luck and God Bless!!
Reply:well i think it's because they have had a experience w/ religion. for example, i was talking to this girl and we saw a Jesus bug running across a lake she asked if I believed in God and Heaven and I said Yes and she said she didn't because God supposedly "let her mom die from smoking". i don't think God let her mom die but rather let her mom choose a bad decision.
Reply:Because religion is a personal part of one's life. Usually one's view of religion was instilled in life by parents and family and people don't feel it's right to talk about something so personal and close to the person when there are so many possibilities out there.
Reply:Inviting people to church is not quite the same as inviting them to, say, a barbecue or a poker game, regardless of your motives or intentions. Everyone knows what to expect at a barbecue (food) or a church service (religious indoctrination); and while nobody finds it offensive to be offered a good meal, some people prefer not to be offered any form of indoctrination.
Reply:They don't get offended, they just think you are a loser. Lets face it if you're hanging out in a church all the time you are obviously pretty needy.
Reply:I have never heard of that, but I am very careful about asking anyone to go to church, because you answered your own question in 3rd paragraph.
Reply:God Bless you Too and He love you too!
I found out even though they are Christians that they have a church and believe in that church and the don't want to stray away from it, if you invited me I would attend even though I have my own Church which I love so much. It come down to this God doesn't care "How you Pray", How you hold your Hands together, wither you hold your Head up or down or straight or make the sign of the cross, he hear us all; but the Church that taught us How to has their ways, so Christan taught one way feel uncomfortable going to another Church on how they pray..
May Gods Son Shine upon you with his warmth and Love.
God Bless you
Reply:Such an invitation was made to me yesterday, my sister told me to go with them to the church.
Offended I was not! but I thought what do I have to go to church for! I prefer to pray at home.
Reply:It doesn't sound like you want an answer more just to let off steam but in the interest of earning my two points... I think it is probably because religion is a personal choice and those people may feel that you are trying to inflict your belief system on them. If this is the case then it is not so much that they take offence at being asked to go to church but by the implication that they need to go as they beliefs or behaviour in your opinion needs modifying. Either that or they are not particularly good friends as they don't know you well enough just to say "no thanks, it's not for me".
Reply:maybe they think they are shoving it down there throats i know i do, if they wanted to got o church i am sure they would on there own
no disrespect but i beleive in all religions and all that but they should really keep it to themselves
Reply:Keep asking, no one said leading a life in Christ was easy. God blesses you everytime you ask someone to share your joy!
Reply:i personally will not be offended coz most of the time im inviting people to my church
Reply:When someone invites me to go to church with them, it makes me feel as though they are judging me. Feels like they're saying, " need to be saved, you sinner!" I feel that my religious beliefs are better handled without the entity of church involved. I can still love and believe in God without participating in the hipocracy of church.
Reply:Are you really sure you don't want to convert people to becom at least a little bit religious? It's one thing to invite people in a bar, another to try to make them drink alcohol even if they are happy without drinkung alcohol. I guess either people suspect that you want to convert them, although they haven't asked for it, or you maybe really do that a little bit. And I'm sure you could understand people being offended when they someone pushes them to either drink alcohol when they don't want, or to believe in God when they don't want to.
I think there's a simple counter question: Why do you invite people to your church, although you know it might offend them? Even if I wouldn't understand why I wouldn't want to offend someone.
Reply:It is not you, nor the church that offends people. Humanity is sinful, and God is holy...the two don't mesh (which is why we need Jesus). God is offensive to sin (and Satan), everything in that person will resist and resist strongly when met with the thought of being close to His holiness.
Don't let that stop you! Ask God to lead you to a specific person to ask to church, then pray, pray, pray for them before you ask. You could pray that the person would be drawn to Christ (John 6:44), that God would prevent Satan from blinding them (2 Cor.4:4, 2 Tim.2:25-26)...etc...
Keep seeking Him...
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