Sunday, May 23, 2010

Survey: When you are at lunch and you see a person sitting alone, do you invite them to your lunch table?

yep, i invite them, but they usually say no

if i'm the one sitting alone then i always wish to be invited
Survey: When you are at lunch and you see a person sitting alone, do you invite them to your lunch table?
If i know the kid's name. Our school's a closely knit group, and most of the kids with nobody to sit with just do homework in the library. I actually did that on like the third day of school, where it was my neighbor for 15 years and he was new here from private school. On a side note, when I first started HS into 9th grade, I knew like nobody, and this one kid invited me to sit with them. I was kinda taken aback cause he was a sophomore and with like seniors, while I was a freshmen. Although now, I have lots of friends (not to sound cocky but its the truth) I still remember that kid, and you wouldn't believe whose face I saw on the cover of an album in a music store recently. This kid's a big musician and I bought his album, and reccomended it to others, as kinda like a thank you. Basically, the moral of my story is, what goes around comes around, and you should always be "that kid" when it comes to those things.
Reply:Ironically enough, my friends and I did that today.

He was a new kid apparently, and he seemed sort of shocked that we invited him over. It was pretty amusing because we are a REALLY loud group of people... I think he was a bit taken aback by our forwardness.
Reply:No, I was always the person sitting alone. I hated when people would invite me to sit with them. It would always interrupt my daydreams and thoughts and I wouldn't converse with them when I sat with them anyway...
Reply:I'm usually the person sitting alone. fortunately people are naturally atrracted to me, so People come to sit with me. I would never turn anyone away from my table though
Reply:yeah. but i hate when theyre mean to you after inviting them over. maybe their alone for a reason
Reply:No because I often sit alone myself.
Reply:in high school n college, i would go sit with person n make a friend by the end of the lunch period
Reply:No because i always fart when i have lunch, i wouldnt want them to get hurt
Reply:yup because i wouldnt want to be alone
Reply:i wish i could but i cant because we have these f***in assigned seats so i cant!
Reply:No, just couldn't
Reply:When i was in HS I always did.
Reply:Every one needs a friend right?
Reply:my friends gets pissed when i do that

but i do it anyway =)

What goes around, comes around!
Reply:yeahh...i feel bad
Reply:heck no...let em sit by themselves...don't want em bothering my while i'm trying to eat.
Reply:I don't pick the people to sit with me we don't pick our tables niether.

my school is stupid.

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